The Science of Wellbeing


Wealth Management

YouPotential combines sophisticated fiduciary wealth management, with a unique approach to intentional lifestyle design - using evidence-based science from the fields of psychology and wellness. Our goal is to help you fully explore how meaning and values define your own goals –and how they align with the people you share your life with.
Start Your Journey
It’s time to expect much more from your wealth management firm, so get ready to expect the unexpected

What's Your Money For?

The endless pursuit of more, is filling our homes with things, our bank accounts with money, our calendars with commitments, and yet still leaving us empty. On the surface we are making progress, but what are we doing it all for?

YouPotential was created to help expand our definition of what it is to be truly wealthy by putting money in the context of how you use it to enhance your overall wellness and wellbeing.

Know Your Assets

Time. Energy. Money.

Traditional wealth management (and traditional wisdom) tells us to arrange our lives and priorities to maximize for money. Too often this causes us to mis-allocate our more valuable assets – which are time and energy. While money plays a role in almost everything we do, the singular pursuit of it actually yields LESS return on life. That’s why the YouPotential approach encompasses all asset classes, not just the financial ones.

The Science Behind YouPotential

Our drive to understand what makes a “good life” is at least as ancient as the great Greek philosophers, but in today’s fast-paced world, we only have bandwidth for actionable ideas that are going to get us tangible results that make our lives better.
If we’re going to dedicate our precious time and energy to anything, it must be grounded in solid science -and the benefits need to be real and attainable.
YouPotential is reinventing how people engage with their wealth management – and with each other. We curate the ever-expanding scientific knowledge about wealth, wellness and wellbeing, and integrate them into our client journeys - overlaying helpful evidence-based frameworks into our financial life planning process.
Click here to find out more about the origins of the Science of Well-Being

Insight Powers Action

Dive deeper into what make you tick –your signature strengths, personality models, what drains your energy, what fills you up, where your natural motivations and energy comes from, what you will and won’t realistically do.
Make the knowledge your own –take what is relevant and add it to your vocabulary –be able to tell your story so that your family, friends, and your YouPotentialteam can really see and understand you.
We’ll be behind you supporting, and if you wish, alongside you helping take the steps needed to put your newfound insights into actions that make positive change in your life.

Make a Plan
and Track Your Progress

At the heart of your experience with us will be uniquely human conversations, though we’ll use technology aids to gamify the process, and support you to take actiontoward building the life you want. We start with meaning and values, which help you uncover your most authentic goals. We use these insights to build an adaptable financial life strategy, which is always fluid and changing. Investments are just part of how we help you fuel your plans, and we’re here to help you make the changes along the way as life ebbs and flows. You’ll be able to track your progress and plan score every step of the way, and to know you’re on-track, and to indulge the inevitable “what-ifs” that will come to mind.

What if the Most Important Conversations in Life are the Ones You Never Have?

Nothing feels better than being in alignment with the people you care about –working as a team to build a great future. Along the way, courageous conversations can be needed, and that’s where having a process and experienced guide can help facilitate important talks that should be had, but tend to get put off for too long, or sometimes indefinitely.

An Ensemble Approach
That Goes Far Beyond
"Holistic Wealth Management"

Any time your money is involved, you want to be working with professionals of the highest caliber. However, the skills and personality of individuals that excel at finance are rarely the stuff it takes to be empathetic listeners with a deep understanding of the human dimension of money. YouPotential takes an ensemble approach, brining together practitioners with complementary skills, in the style of a family office.

Who Exactly is YouPotential?

YouPotential is one of 17 Partner Firms that make up Quintessence Wealth –
one of Canada’s largest Portfolio Management firms with over 3 billion dollars under management.

Is My Money Safe?

Your financial accounts are custodied at National Bank’s Independent Network,
entrusted with over 400 billion dollars of client assets and member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund (CIPF).
To learn more click the diagram below to expand the layers.
Your Wealth Advisor

Ultimately, your most important relationship is with your trusted advisor who is responsible for putting together your financial plan, and helping you navigate all aspects of managing wealth and life transitions. There’s much more to it than just investments, and so the ultimate barometer of how you’re doing will always be your financial plan – think of this as the highest form of reporting we provide – it’s the answer to the all-important question: “Am I ok?”, and it’s always being updated because your life never stands still.


Our Partner firms collectively own Q Wealth (where we provide investment management). Each of our Partners operates under their own brand identity to deliver a unique service experience, and comprehensive wealth management layered on top of investment management – which is everything beyond securities. Your advisory team typically includes a multi-disciplinary group including Certified Financial Planning professionals, investment professionals registered under Q Wealth, or both. Think of your Advisor’s firm as your personal “family office”.


In all cases, individuals who provide investment advice are registered to do so under Q Wealth, so you may see them affiliated with both the Q Wealth Partnership and their Partner firm. As a registered Portfolio Manager and Investment Fund Manager, Q Wealth replaces the operational functions advisors must typically affiliate with an investment dealer to provide, but we also “vertically integrate” the investment management function – which usually reduces external costs that are often hidden from investors. Clients receive a detailed chart explaining who provides each function when they onboard to help keep it clear.


Q Wealth maintains service agreements with custodians such as National Bank’s Independent Network (NBIN). The custodian is where your accounts sit, protected by their large scale, and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. Read on for more details about our relationship with custodians, and how they benefit our clients.

Our custodian: NBIN

National Bank Independent Network is the custodian for all Q Wealth accounts.

What is a Custodian?
5160 Yonge Street, Suite 1860
Toronto, Ontario M2N 6L9
Quintessence Wealth is registered as a Portfolio Manager in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, and Saskatchewan, an Investment Fund Manager in Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, and Quebec, and an Exempt Market Dealer in Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Quebec, and Saskatchewan. The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) is the principal regulator for Quintessence Wealth.

The information contained in this website comes from sources we believe to be reliable, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy or reliability. The opinions expressed are based on an analysis and interpretation dating from the date of publication and are subject to change without notice. Furthermore, they do not constitute an offer or solicitation to buy or sell any of the securities mentioned. The information contained herein may not apply to all types of investors.

© 2023. All rights reserved.

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